Produkty dla z pomocą (17)

Powłoki hydrofobowe do okien ochronnych - Nałożenie powłoki hydrofobowej na powierzchnię może pomóc w odpychaniu brudu

Powłoki hydrofobowe do okien ochronnych - Nałożenie powłoki hydrofobowej na powierzchnię może pomóc w odpychaniu brudu

Hydrophobic means to repel water. Applying a hydrophobic coating to a surface can help the surface repel dirt and residue for easier cleaning. These types of coatings also have an oleophobic property, meaning that oil and grease is also repelled. Knight Optical provide Hydrophobic Coatings to wide range of protective windows made from materials such as BK7 or equivalent, UV Fused Silica or Borosilicate. Benefits for hydrophobic are that is: Optically Clear Easy-to-Clean Fingerprint and Smudge resistant The properties of the optical component itself remain unaltered meaning it does to hinder its current application or require a redesign. This coating would be a custom item and can be applied to most of our stock optical components. If you would like to discuss how a hydrophobic coating can enhance your application contact our technical sales team whom can assist. Read PDF for full specification
Szkolenie i rozwój przywództwa - Pomoc menedżerom w byciu skutecznymi

Szkolenie i rozwój przywództwa - Pomoc menedżerom w byciu skutecznymi

We provide training in FRENCH and ENGLISH for leaders and managers to improve their effectiveness and have a real effect on their setting.
Aplikacja - WOLNA PRACA

Aplikacja - WOLNA PRACA

Nettmob, une application innovante qui repose sur une logique gagnant-gagnant. Les entreprises qui d’un côté ont de réelles difficultés de gestion de la main d’œuvre et de l’autre des personnes qui souhaitent trouver de nouveaux clients et travailler en toute liberté. Grâce à Nettmob les entreprises évoluant dans un environnement complexe peuvent améliorer leur gestion des besoins en main d’œuvre qualifiée. En quelques clicks sur notre interface vous pouvez exprimer vos besoins. Nettmob se charge ensuite de répondre à vos attentes en moins de 24 heures.En effet, d’un autre côté nous permettons aux travailleurs indépendants de trouver de nouveaux clients tout en gardant leur liberté. En effet, sur Nettmob personne n’est contraint d’accepter ou de refuser une mission. Notre algorithme basé sur de l’intelligence artificielle se charge ensuite de proposer les meilleurs profils en harmonie avec les attentes du clients.
Akcesoria do uszczelniania indukcyjnego - Aby zapewnić, że proces uszczelniania przebiega bezbłędnie,

Akcesoria do uszczelniania indukcyjnego - Aby zapewnić, że proces uszczelniania przebiega bezbłędnie,

Many of the issues causing poor seals happen upstream, in the filling or capping area: a seal cannot be achieved with a missing cap or a cap with a missing foil. The capper can also cause stalled bottles under the induction coil where caps are loose or partially fitted or the cap is incorrectly fitted or too high. Issues downstream from the sealer can cause containers to back- up under the sealing head. Enercon produces a range of sensors to help ensure that the sealing process is running faultlessly, producing consistent, reliable seals on every container. • Stalled Bottle and Backlog Detector • Missing Foil Sensor • High Cap Detector • Stack light assembly • Variable Speed Conveyor Systems • Spare Parts Kit • IQ/OQ Kit
Koce Grzewcze na Cylindry - Zakres koców, które pomagają w uzyskaniu bardziej efektywnego napełnienia podczas konserwacji.

Koce Grzewcze na Cylindry - Zakres koców, które pomagają w uzyskaniu bardziej efektywnego napełnienia podczas konserwacji.

With any filling device, a range of accessories can help produce a more efficient fill during maintenance tasks. EMT can supply a range of heated blankets and regulators to ensure if manually filling, the chances of a line freeze are reduced. Typically 20-25% of SF6 is wasted due to temperatures and pressures keeping the SF6 liquified. Our cylinder heater blankets evaporate the gas, increasing the efficiency of the cylinder, to ensure the maximum amount of SF6 can be recovered. This amounts to significant savings on maintenance costs.
Systemy Touch For Help - Do drzwi nieautomatycznych

Systemy Touch For Help - Do drzwi nieautomatycznych

Our hygienic Touch For Help systems are simple to install and easy to operate. When someone requires assistance, they touch the sensor and this activates the sounder to alert staff that help is required. Unlike push pads, no physical pressure is required to operate, making them ideal for users with physical disabilities. The signage aids users with visual impairments giving it a higher light reflectance value than manual push pads. The touch for help system is manufactured using SteriTouch®, an antimicrobial protection with built-in silver ion technology. They offer protection against a range of bacteria including the Flu Virus, E. coli, MRSA, Salmonella and Legionella, as well as black mould growth, biofilm and fungi. Available in architrave, round, single gang and square housings.
Diagnostyka Zapytania Keyfax - Pomaga pracownikom obsługi klienta diagnozować wszelkie przychodzące zapytania

Diagnostyka Zapytania Keyfax - Pomaga pracownikom obsługi klienta diagnozować wszelkie przychodzące zapytania

Keyfax Enquiries Diagnostics helps customer services teams to handle inbound housing enquiries. It is easily integrated with MS Dynamics CRM and most Housing Management Systems (HMS). Customers can easily change the Enquiries diagnostic scripts to fit their housing association’s policies. Keyfax Enquiries comes with a model script set that can be used as-is, but is simple to update or change. Existing Customers use Keyfax Enquiries Diagnostics for handling: Antisocial behaviour An abandoned property An abandoned vehicle Illegal parking Fly tipping Criminal behaviour COVID 19 Services Renting a garage Rent balance enquiries Requesting an aid or adaptation Request for money advice Rearranging an appointment Raising a complaint Registering a compliment Keyfax Enquiries has an easy-to-use interface and simple search function, enabling Customer Service Advisors to help tenants with a wide range of housing enquiries.
Inżynier Upoważniony [Woda] - Łączenie specjalistycznej wiedzy w celu pomocy w przestrzeganiu norm higieny wody.

Inżynier Upoważniony [Woda] - Łączenie specjalistycznej wiedzy w celu pomocy w przestrzeganiu norm higieny wody.

Combining specialist knowledge of engineering, building services & health & safety, to guide you in meeting your water hygiene compliance objectives. In the Autumn of 2015 guidance was issued for the role of Authorising Engineer [Water]. Guidance recommends that any Authorising Engineer [Water] should remain independent of the operational structure of an organisation. The Water Hygiene Centre can provide an AE [Water], who will act as your independent professional Legionella consultant, giving support & advice in accordance with relevant guidance. Your appointed AE [Water] will: - Provide an annual water safety audit - Attend your Water Safety Group, supporting & improving your on-going management of water hygiene risks - Undertake a review and update of your Written Scheme / Water Safety Plan - Routinely monitor your organisational performance - Assess & appraise members of your management team & make recommendations for their formal appointment - Provide training
Team-Talk: Zaangażowanie Pracowników - Pomoc w kształtowaniu Kultur Wysokiej Wydajności

Team-Talk: Zaangażowanie Pracowników - Pomoc w kształtowaniu Kultur Wysokiej Wydajności

Our insightful and high-quality Employee Surveys take away the hassle and deliver cost-effective solutions. Online and Email surveys offer fast low-cost solutions, but we also can call upon other methods such as telephone, paper, IVR and f2f interviews.
Usługa SEO - Odkryj, jak możemy pomóc Ci lepiej radzić sobie w sieci

Usługa SEO - Odkryj, jak możemy pomóc Ci lepiej radzić sobie w sieci

Have you been struggling for a long time to see your website ranking higher? A professional that can provide you with the best marketing results for your business by saving your time and money. We understand the unique goals of each business, and for that reason,we will offer you the strategic digital solutions specific to your business needs. We invest hundreds of hours in testing new innovative SEO techniques before deploying our SEO services. Our mission is not only limited to rank your website higher but to maintain its high rank for a long time. Unlike Paid Media, SEO can’t be bought. But it can be earned and we’ll earn it for you. At Found, SEO permeates everything we do. We live, sleep and dream it.
Audyt lokalnego SEO - Odkryj kluczowe problemy SEO, aby pomóc Ci wyprzedzić konkurencję

Audyt lokalnego SEO - Odkryj kluczowe problemy SEO, aby pomóc Ci wyprzedzić konkurencję

Your website SEO could be great, or it may need improvement - but either way it needs to be found - and by the right visitors. One of the most useful services we can undertake for you is an SEO audit to help identify any issues, areas for improvement, and where possible quick fixes too. We generate a tailored report which can then help you better understand your search engine postioning, also compared against your competitors and within your industry locally, or within a specific service area.
Serwis pralki - Zepsuta pralka? Możemy pomóc.

Serwis pralki - Zepsuta pralka? Możemy pomóc.

Our washing machine services are available regardless of where you bought it.
Olej rzepakowy - Olej rzepakowy jest bogaty w dobre tłuszcze i może pomóc zmniejszyć ryzyko choró

Olej rzepakowy - Olej rzepakowy jest bogaty w dobre tłuszcze i może pomóc zmniejszyć ryzyko choró

Czym jest olej rzepakowy? Produkt posiada swój zapach i smak, wolny od zjełczenia lub obcego smaku i zapachu. Olej jest klarowny, wolny od ciał obcych, bez obcych olejów lub tłuszczów zwierzęcych i nadaje się do spożycia przez ludzi. Funkcja oleju rzepakowego 1. Typ: olej do gotowania 2. Rodzaj przetwarzania: rafinowany 3. Opakowanie: plastikowa butelka 4. Zastosowanie: gotowanie. Stosowanie oleju rzepakowego Jako surowiec do usuwania ciepła i usuwania toksyn, działa przeciwzapalnie, likwiduje obrzęki, oczyszcza wątrobę, poprawia wzrok i leczy biegunki.
Izolacja Akustyczna - Musisz spełnić wymagania Części E? W takim razie możemy pomóc w Twojej izolacji akustycznej

Izolacja Akustyczna - Musisz spełnić wymagania Części E? W takim razie możemy pomóc w Twojej izolacji akustycznej

Do you need noise control within your project? Let us supply and lay a system that will meet with Part E (Sound) of the Building Regulations. If your project expects to either use Pre-completion Testing, or Robust Detail, we can supply and lay the system to your requirements. Our installers are fully trained and approved by Monarfloor Acoustics for their Tranquilt system. We even took part in the testing at Napier University when the product was undergoing testing to achieve its Robust Detail status. A system that is not suitable will fail, and certainly a system that is not installed correctly will fail!. Once the screed is laid there may be no visible sign of inadequacy but sound testing leaves no doubt as to the adequacy of the system. Avoid a failing system by using us to supply and lay your screed system. •Airborne sound •Impact sound •Flanking sound
Rury Homogenizujące do Instrumentów Elektrycznych - Instrumenty elektryczne wykorzystują wyświetlacze podświetlane, aby pomóc w oświetleniu

Rury Homogenizujące do Instrumentów Elektrycznych - Instrumenty elektryczne wykorzystują wyświetlacze podświetlane, aby pomóc w oświetleniu

Knight Optical can offer Custom Homogenizing Rods for use within Electrical Instruments. Electrical instruments use backlight displays to help illuminate and evenly distribute the light source. They can be used as mixers, which is when you want to mix colours from multi-colour LEDs together. The light source will enter a light pipe at a variety of incident angles, which is designed to utilise its total internal reflection to help transmit light from the entrance of the light pipe to the exit. The material’s refractive index is the only factor which affects the light pipe’s critical angle; this defines the angle of acceptance at which the total internal reflection will occur. For more information read PDF Material::BK7 (or equivalent), UV Fused Silica or Other Optical Glass Length Tolerance::+/- 0.3mm Aperture Tolerance::+/-0.1mm Surface quality::<60-40 Scratch/Dig Coating::Optical
Recenzje online i zarządzanie reputacją - Reputacja online ma znaczenie. Możemy pomóc Ci monitorować i rozwijać Twoją markę.

Recenzje online i zarządzanie reputacją - Reputacja online ma znaczenie. Możemy pomóc Ci monitorować i rozwijać Twoją markę.

Online reviews and reputation management are among the biggest influences on consumers' decision-making. Research has shown that 57% of consumers will only use businesses that have '4 or more' stars. If your company reviews are positive, that's great. ... but whilst negative online reviews may lose you potential future customers, they can sometimes be managed to your advantage. web-aviso can either assist you or provde a fully managed service with your online reviews and reputation perception.